연구실 구성원 소개
Director: Prof. Yongjae Yoo, Ph. D.
B.Sc. (2011) & Ph.D., (2019) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Korea
Postdoctoral Researcher, POSTECH, Korea (2019-2020)
Postdoctoral Researcher, McGill University, Canada (2020-2022)
Assistant Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Hanyang University ERICA, Korea (2022-Present)
Research Interests: Multimodal and Haptic Interactions, VR/AR, Affective Computing, AI for HCI
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Intern
Undergraduate Intern
Jaejun Jung (정재준) NEXON Korea Corporation
Taehyeon Kim (김태현) Kakao Enterprise
Eunji Lim (임은지) SNU, MediSC Lab
Dayoung Kim (김다영) SELECTSTAR Intern
Visiting Student
Sunwoo Jung (정선우) Department of Computer Science, University of Washington St. Louis.
Jimin Ryu(유지민) Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol